Hair BarberYumYum (Old Hair Fair Gift!)
Head Eve'olution Beta 4b Bento!
Bento optimization, ears reworked, new Eyelashes and texture, New teeth and tongue, and some animation and pose for testing your BENTO head.
Skin Eve'olution Ella B3
Eyes The Skinnery (Old C88 SLB13 Gift!)
Body Eve slim V9.1 Bento!
T-shirt Eve Babe 19 Licornasse
Belly Eve slim V9 size 2
It's a nice Pregnant belly adapted for EVE slim and Pulpy
It's really easy to use
You must have EVE mesh body Slim or pulpy
Now just Add the Belly'EVE
You can change the texture skin with the HUD of EVE or any applier skin official EVE or Omega!